Table of Contents
Recommendation 4.0
Recommendation to use DataCite DOI as the standard reference in technical infrastructures to data sets where appropriate
Status: draft 2025-03-20
Motivation for this Recommendation:
- Identification of research data
- unique
- citable
- common system
- Persistence
[shortened from below]
We recommend to repositories, to register all data sets with DataCite to register a DataCite DOI at the time of submission the latest. We also recommend to submit full metadata to DataCite and also to keep the metadata current.
[Format: Wer! macht was! wo! wann! unter welchen Voraussetzungen!]
Binding Convention:
mandatory | conditional | optional | |
Helmholtz FAIR Principle |
Precondition for Implementation:
Related Recommendations
Other: none
Names of contributors to this recommendation
1. Explanation of the Background and Benefits of the Recommendation
History and structure
Current Use of …
2. Possible alternative solutions
3. Consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the recommendation
(quality of content, limitations, interoperability, sustainability: expected future dissemination / technical availability / funding)
4. The Recommendation
[Format: Wer! macht was! wo! wann! unter welchen Voraussetzungen!]
5. Naming of communities that have already implemented the recommendation
6. Documentation of the test to validate correct implementation
7. Examples of Instances
8. Further Information
Relevant Community Recommendations
9. History of this document
wiki/m6.0.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/20 15:19 by rulrich