**Recommendation ** ======Recommendation to provide metadata export via API in schema.org format ====== =====Description===== Status: =====Motivation for this Recommendation: ===== [shortened from below] =====Recommendation ==== [shortened from below] [Format: Wer! macht was! wo! wann! unter welchen Voraussetzungen!] =====Binding Convention: ===== ^ ^ mandatory ^ conditional ^ optional ^ ^ Helmholtz FAIR Principle| | | | =====Precondition for Implementation: ===== =====Related Recommendations ===== Parent: Dependent: Other: none =====Contributors===== Names of contributors to this recommendation =====Content===== ====1. Explanation of the Background and Benefits of the Recommendation ==== __About__ __History and structure__ __Current Use of ...__ __Motivation__ ====2. Possible alternative solutions==== ====3. Consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the recommendation==== Tool to convert datacite doi metadata to schema.org: https://earth-and-environment.helmholtz-metadaten.de/doi/datacite2schema.py?doi=10.1594/PANGAEA.66871 (quality of content, limitations, interoperability, sustainability: expected future dissemination / technical availability / funding) ====4. The Recommendation==== [Format: Wer! macht was! wo! wann! unter welchen Voraussetzungen!] ====5. Naming of communities that have already implemented the recommendation==== ====6. Documentation of the test to validate correct implementation==== ====7. Examples of Instances==== ====8. Further Information==== ===References=== [1] Tool to convert datacite doi metadata to schema.org: https://earth-and-environment.helmholtz-metadaten.de/doi/datacite2schema.py?doi=10.1594/PANGAEA.66871 ===Relevant Community Recommendations=== ====9. History of this document====