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Compilation of Recommendations


Short Title

Rec. 16: Apply FAIR broadly

Source Documnent

Turning FAIR into reality: Final report and action plan from the European Commission expert group on FAIR data

Source Document Link


Publishing Organisation

European Commision

Date of Publication



Policy, Capacity building/ incentivisation

Addressed Stakeholders

coordination fora, institutions, data stewards, policy makers




FAIR should be applied broadly to all objects (including metadata, identifiers, software and DMPs) that are essential to the practice of research, and should inform metrics relating directly to these objects. Action 16.1: Policies must assert that the FAIR principles should be applied to research data, to metadata, to code, to DMPs and to other relevant digital objects, as well as to policies themselves. Action 16.2: The FAIR data principles and this Action Plan must be tailored for specific contexts - in particular to the relevant research field - and the precise application nuanced, while respecting the objective of maximising data accessibility and reuse. Action 16.3: Guidelines for the implementation of FAIR in relation to research data, to metadata, to code, to DMPs and to other relevant digital objects should be developed and followed. Action 16.4: Examples and case studies of implementation should be collated so that other communities, organisations and individuals can learn from good practice.