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Compilation of Recommendations


Short Title

Rec. 2: Implement a model for FAIR Digital Objects

Source Documnent

Turning FAIR into reality: Final report and action plan from the European Commission expert group on FAIR data

Source Document Link


Publishing Organisation

European Commision

Date of Publication



Interlinking/ interoperability, Discovery/ indexing/ search, Access/ integration, Capacity building/ incentivisation, Metadata richness/ ingest/ submission, Quality control/ curation

Addressed Stakeholders

data service providers, data stewards, research community, institutions, coordination fora


FAIR Digital Object, licencing, PID, FDO


Implementing FAIR requires a model for FAIR Digital Objects. These, by definition, have a PID linked to different types of essential metadata including provenance and licencing. The use of community standards and sharing  of rich documentation is fundamental for interoperability and reuse of all objects. Action 2.1: The universal use of appropriate PIDs for FAIR Digital Objects needs to be facilitated and implemented. Action 2.2: Educational programmes are needed to raise awareness, understanding and use of relevant standards; tools are needed to facilitate the routine capture of metadata during the research process. Action 2.3: Systems must be refined and implemented to make automatic checks on the existence    and accessibility of PIDs, metadata, a licence or waiver, and code, and to test the validity of the links between them.