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Compilation of Recommendations
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3. The persistent identifier expressed as an URL must resolve to a landing page specific for that dataset, and that landing page must contain metadata describing the dataset.
Source Documnent
A data citation roadmap for scholarly data repositories
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Publishing Organisation and BioCADDIE Data Citation implementation Pilot Repositories Expert Group
Date of Publication
Discovery/ indexing/ search, Interlinking/ interoperability
Addressed Stakeholders
data service providers
PID, identifier, URL, landing page, metadata
The persistent identifier expressed as HTTP URL must resolve to a specific landing page for that dataset or dataset collection. The persistent identifier expressed as HTTP URL must not resolve to the data itself 6, or to other representations of the metadata, unless special protocols such as content negotiation are used (see guideline 7 below). The landing pages must provide metadata with additional information about the dataset, and include links for accessing the dataset itself. The landing page should provide definitive information, including metadata, on how the dataset should be cited, other descriptive information about the dataset, as well as data accessibility and licens- ing information. Repositories should provide a landing page for every dataset or collection of datasets intended to be cited, which could be single entries, sets of entries, the entire repository or a curated database. Reference to a statement describing the data and metadata persistence policies of the repository should also be provided at the landing page. Data persistence policies will vary by repository but should be clearly described, for example (using text template from): “[Organization/Institution Name] is committed to maintaining persistent identifiers in [Repository Name] so that they will continue to resolve to a landing page providing metadata describing the data, including elements of stewardship, provenance, and availability. [Organization/Institution Name] has made the following plan for organizational persistence and succession: [plan].”