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Compilation of Recommendations


Short Title

Rec. 8: Facilitate automated processing

Source Documnent

Turning FAIR into reality: Final report and action plan from the European Commission expert group on FAIR data

Source Document Link


Publishing Organisation

European Commision

Date of Publication



Interlinking/ interoperability, Metadata richness/ ingest/ submission, Discovery/ indexing/ search, Access/ integration

Addressed Stakeholders

data service providers, data stewards, coordination fora




Automated processing should be supported and facilitated by FAIR components. This means that machines should be able to interact with each other through the system, as well as with other components of the system, at multiple levels and across disciplines. Action 8.1: Automated workflows between the various components of the FAIR data ecosystem should be developed by means of coordinated activities and testbeds. Action 8.2: Metadata standards should be adopted and used consistently in order to enable machines to discover, assess and utilise data at scale. Action 8.3: Structured discoverability and profile matching mechanisms need to be developed and tested to broker requests and mediate metadata, rights, usage licences and costs.