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Compilation of Recommendations
Short Title
M.5-8 Persistent identifiers are provided on the service’s website and in the exported metadata as primary identifiers in the form of an operable URL.
Source Documnent
DINI Certificate for Open Access Publication Services 2019
Source Document Link
Publishing Organisation
DINI Working Group "Electronic Publishing"
Date of Publication
Interlinking/ interoperability
Addressed Stakeholders
data service providers
PID, identifier
This requires a resolving service’s URL to be added to the persistent identifier. (e.g. https://doi.org/10.18452/1503 or https://nbn-resol-ving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:11-100239432). As for the metadata export, see also Criterion 6 – Indexing and Inter-faces, section 2.6, Minimum Requirement M.6-6. The persistent identifier is made available in human-readable and machine-readable form on the website, and in machine-readable form via OAI (Dublin Core element identifier).