RDM and MD Landscape in Earth & Environment

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Compilation of Recommendations


Short Title

FsF-R1.3-01M Metadata follows a standard recommended by the target research community of the data.

Source Documnent

FAIRsFAIR Data Object Assessment Metrics

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Interlinking/ interoperability

Addressed Stakeholders

data service providers, research community, coordination fora


metadata, standard, target community


In addition to core metadata required to support data discovery (covered under metric FsF-F2-01M), metadata to support data reusability should be made available following community-endorsed metadata standards. Some communities have well-established metadata standards (e.g., geospatial: ISO19115; biodiversity: DarwinCore, ABCD, EML; social science: DDI; astronomy: International Virtual Observatory Alliance Technical Specifications) while others have limited standards or standards that are under development (e.g., engineering and linguistics). The use of community-endorsed metadata standards is usually encouraged and supported by domain and discipline-specific repositories.