RDM and MD Landscape in Earth & Environment

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Compilation of Recommendations


Short Title

FsF-I3-01M Metadata includes links between the data and its related entities.

Source Documnent

FAIRsFAIR Data Object Assessment Metrics

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Date of Publication



Metadata richness/ ingest/ submission, Interlinking/ interoperability

Addressed Stakeholders

data service providers, research community, data stewards


metadata, links


Linking data to its related entities will increase its potential for reuse. The linking information should be captured as part of the metadata. A dataset may be linked to its prior version, related datasets or resources (e.g. publication, physical sample, funder, repository, platform, site, or observing network registries). Links between data and its related entities should be expressed through relation types (e.g., DataCite Metadata Schema specifies relation types between research objects through the fields 'RelatedIdentifier' and 'RelationType'), and preferably use persistent Identifiers for related entities (e.g., ORCID for contributors, DOI for publications, and ROR for institutions).