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Compilation of Recommendations


Short Title

Rec. 25: Implement FAIR metrics to monitor uptake

Source Documnent

Turning FAIR into reality: Final report and action plan from the European Commission expert group on FAIR data

Source Document Link


Publishing Organisation

European Commision

Date of Publication



Sustainability/ funding/ business-model, Certification/ evaluation, Policy

Addressed Stakeholders

coordination fora, research funders, data service providers, institutions, policy makers


metrics, monitoring


Agreed sets of metrics should be implemented and monitored to track changes in the FAIRness of data sets or data-related resources over time. Funders should report annually on the outcomes of their investments in FAIR and track how the landscape matures. Action 25.1: Convergence should be sought between the efforts by many groups to define FAIR assessments. Action 25.2: Funders should publish statistics on the outcome of all investments to report on levels of FAIR data and certified services. Specifically, funders should assess how FAIR the research objects are that have been produced and to what extent the funded infrastructures are certified and supportive of FAIR. Action 25.3: Repositories should publish assessments of the FAIRness of data sets, where practical, based on community review and the judgement of data stewards. Methodologies for assessing FAIR data need to be piloted and developed into automated tools before they can be applied systematically and in a standardised way by repositories. Action 25.4: Metrics for the assessment of research contributions, organisations and projects should take the past FAIRness of data sets and other related outputs into account. This can include citation metrics, but appropriate alternatives should also be found for the research, researchers and research outputs being assessed. Action 25.5: The results of monitoring processes should be used to inform and iterate data policy.