Access to Biological Collection Data | ABCD | Biodiversity, Biology |
Access to Biological Collection Databases Extended for Geosciences | ADBCEFG | Biodiversity, Earth Science |
Agricultural Metadata Element Set | AgMES | Agriculture |
ASAM Open Data Services | ASAM ODS | Other |
Asset Description Metadata Schema | ADMS | Subject Agnostic |
Atmosphere Model Data Standard | ATMODAT | Atmospheric Science |
Attribute Convention For Data Discovery | ACDD | Subject Agnostic |
Audubon Core | AC | Biodiversity |
Bioschemas | | Biology, Life Science |
Climate and Forecast Metadata Conventions | CF | Climatology, Earth Science |
Common Data Index | CDI | Oceanography |
Common European Research Information Format | CERIF | Data Management |
Common Information Model | CIM | Climatology |
Core Scientific Metadata Model | CSMD CCLRC | Subject Agnostic |
Cruise Summary Reports | CSR | Oceanography |
Crystallographic Information Framework | CIF | Geology |
Darwin Core | DwC | Biodiversity |
Data Catalog Vocabulary | DCAT | Subject Agnostic |
Data Catalog Vocabulary Application Profile | DCAT-AP | Subject Agnostic |
Data Documentation Initiative | DDI | Social Science, Economics, Other |
DataCite | DataCite | Subject Agnostic |
Directory Interchange Format | DIF | Earth Science |
Dublin Core | DC | Subject Agnostic |
Earth Resource Markup Language | EarthResourceML | Earth Science |
Ecological Metadata Language | EML | Biology, Biodiversity, Earth Science |
Essential Annotation Schema for Ecology | EASE | Biodiversity, Ecology |
European Directory of Marine Environmental Datasets Schema | EDMED | Oceanography |
European Directory of Marine Environmental Research Projects | EDMERP | Oceanography |
European Directory of the Ocean Observing Systems Schema | EDIOS | Oceanography |
Federal Geographic Data Committee Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata | FGDC/CSDGM | Earth Science, Geoinformatics |
Flexible Image Transport System | FITS | Subject Agnostic |
GBIF Metadata Profil | | Biology, Biodiversity, Ecology |
Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standard | GEOMS | Earth Science |
GeoDCAT-AP | | Earth Science, Geoinformatics |
Geography Markup Language | GML | Earth Science |
Geoscience Markup Language | GeoSciML | Earth Science |
Humboldt Core | | Biodiversity |
Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community | INSPIRE | Earth Science, Geoinformatics |
International Virtual Observatory Alliance Technical Specifications | IVOA | Other |
Investigation / Study / Assay (ISA) tab-delimited (TAB) format | ISA-Tab | Subject Agnostic |
ISO 19110: Geographic information — Methodology for feature cataloguing | ISO 19110:2016 | Geoinformatics |
ISO 19115-1: Geographic information — Metadata — Part 1: Fundamentals | ISO 19115-1:2014 | Earth Science, Geoinformatics |
ISO 19115-2: Geographic information — Metadata — Part 2: Extensions for acquisition and processing | ISO 19115-2:2019 | Earth Science, Geoinformatics |
ISO/TS 19115-3: Geographic information — Metadata — Part 3: XML schema implementation for fundamental concepts | ISO/TS 19115-3:2016 | Earth Science, Geoinformatics |
ISO 19157: Geographic information — Data quality | ISO 19157:2013 | Earth Science, Geoinformatics |
ISO 25964 – the international standard for thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies | ISO 25964 | Subject Agnostic |
Kaitai Struct: declarative binary format parsing language | Kaitai | Subject Agnostic |
Minimum Information about a Flow Cytomentry Experiment | MIFlowCyt | Life Science |
Minimum Information about any (x) Sequence | MIxS | Omics, Life Science |
Minimal Information Required In the Annotation of Models | Miriam | Life Science |
Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment | MIAME | Life Science |
Minimal Information About a Simulation Experiment | MIASE | Life Science |
Model Description Language for Computational Neuroscience | NeuroML | Life Science |
NeXus Data Format | | Other |
Observations and Measurements | O&M | Earth Science |
OGC Encoding Linked Data Graphs in NetCDF Files | OGC NetCDF-LD | Subject Agnostic |
Open Archival Information System | OAIS | Subject Agnostic |
Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange | OAI-ORE | Subject Agnostic |
Open Badges | | Subject Agnostic |
open metadata Markup Language | odML | Subject Agnostic |
Open Microscopy Environment XML | OME-XML | Life Science, Earth Science |
Quality Information Framework | QIF | Subject Agnostic |
RDF Data Cube Vocabulary | RDF DCV | Subject Agnostic | | | Subject Agnostic |
SensorML | | Subject Agnostic |
Space Physics Archive Search and Extract | SPASE | Other |
SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs | STAC | Subject Agnostic |
Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange | SDMX, ISO 17369 | Other |
W3org Provenance Modell | PROV | Subject Agnostic |
Water Modeling Language | WaterML | Water Research |
WMO Core Metadata Profile | | Climatology |
QuakeML | | Geophysics |
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